Episode 33 – She Her Her Hers

4/26/20231 min read

This work appears on the mini-album "Spiral" by the rock band She Her Her Hers, in the general genre of light rock. It's worth noting that all of the songs on this album are roughly consecutive, which is interesting, while slowly piling up to create an ineffable mood. As the final track on this album, Episode 33 is definitely one of the best climaxes to listen to. The whole song starts with a simple rhythm and monotone, and slowly repeats itself, as if it's trying to narrate a story. The sudden appearance of a slightly raspy male voice is suddenly mesmerizing, and the chorus at the end of the first verse has a mesmerizing, dreamy sound that pulls you into a world of glittering lights and glittering gold. The opening monotone melody cuts in at this point, but it doesn't feel out of place at all, instead it's a simple but memorable melody that you can faintly enjoy. The drums pick up slightly in the middle, showing a definite rise, and one's heart lifts until the second verse releases it once again, letting out a long, cloudy breath and immersing one's mind in a continuous dream. The song ends on a long note, unobtrusively and hauntingly.